College Sportivo

From the 2004-2005 academic year, thanks to the support of EDiSU, the CUS Pavia has established the Collegio Sportivo (Sports College), an initiative that is aimed at high-level athletes who practice one of the following disciplines:

The athletes admitted to the Sports College are hosted at the Collegio Cardano or the Golgi College managed by EDiSU and have the possibility of using a tutor for university studies.

The amount of the annual fee for the stay in the College, including board and lodging, is 4,500 Euros. For food, those admitted will have the opportunity to enjoy 2 meals a day through the canteen service provided by EDiSU.

The application form, accompanied by the sporting curriculum with the results of the last two sporting seasons, must be sent to by 12 noon on Monday 25 July 2022.

Applications will be screened according to the following criteria: presence in the Sports College in the academic year 2021-2022 sporting results achieved in the last two seasons; high school grade or CFU obtained; year of birth.

There are 20 places available. Depending on the curricula received, the CUS reserves the right to proceed also with the partial assignment of places.

FURTHER INFO: – tel. 0382 526209

Attached documents: Convention EDiSU – CUS Pavia